Sunday, July 5, 2009

We need more drafters!

Limited play requires much less preparation and is much cheaper than constructed if you learn how to play it right. Also, statistically, the better limited players always seem to qualify for Nationals much easier.

The main thrust of the store (and the articles me and my teammates write) was to improve the skills of the Filipino Magic player. The store had a vision of being a haven for drafters. A place where drafters can draft everyday; ready when they are. We have had a few speedbumps recently because the already skilled Filipino Magic players seem to be very busy with real-life obligations. This leaves them very little time to perfect their game and draft queues are not firing as often as we hoped; leaving audiences with nothing to watch. Because of this, we have decided on a move to grow new talent. Teach those who are new to the game, the young, and young-at-heart how to play limited.

My teammate and I have been writing strategy articles here and at the Neutralgrounds forums for quite some time now but we have yet to see an increase in serious limited players. Afraid maybe? I would guess so. I myself was very nervous when I first drafted back in late 2004. So how do we go about it? I guess there is nothing better than the real thing. We play it hands-on.

Unlike constructed where you already have decks ready to play, limited starts out with you building a deck from an unknown pile of cards. We have a pile of Alara block cards lying around the store and the cube to simulate this situation. It will be different from the real drafts but the approximation is enough for players to learn the basic techniques like what cards to prioritize when picking, color choices, comfort zones, etc.

Send me an email on if this sounds interesting to you, we will contact you when drafts are going to start so that you can watch and learn from drafters while they are at work. Please write your name and contact number. Better yet, try dropping by the store and I will give you an instant crash course if you want (here's a sample result of the latest crash course I gave). I do have internet in the shop which means I can play an online draft if you really want to watch something. The lessons are free and involves no monetary obligations; it's charity work if you will. Think about it.

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