Sunday, October 4, 2009

Exotic Pets available for ordering

We now know for a fact that a store cannot depend solely on Lotus Cobras to generate sufficient income. We will be selling real reptiles, arachnids, feeder animals, and other small critters and accesories. A few will be displayed on the store and the rest will be strictly on order basis for sanitary reasons.

Please read before ordering:
- Google is your friend. Please do your research before buying.
- Pictures of these animals are all over the internet. Again, Google is your friend.
- Specimens are UNSEXED unless otherwise noted.
- All animals are sold healthy and feeding unless otherwise noted. No other guarantee is implied.
- Aside from those that are displayed on the store; I do not entertain requests to view the specimen.
- Most of the animals cannot be displayed mainly for sanitary reasons. It would also be cruel to keep them in a facility that does not simulate their natural habitat. Lastly, maintenance will be very difficult if they are kept at the store.

We will be taking orders from buyers and the animals will be turned over on the "delivery date". We need ample time to prepare the animals for delivery so please take note of the cutoff date for orders.

Partial or full payment is required for us to process your order. Availability may change without prior notice, those who have paid in full are guaranteed to get their order on the said delivery date.

Updated: October 5, 2009.
Cutoff for orders: October 26, 2009
Next delivery date: October 31, 2009

Hatchling Sulcata Tortoise - P6,800 each
Juvenile Barbados Giant Redfoot - P17,000

Juvenile Sandfire/Red/Gold Bearded Dragon - P5,000
Juvenile Frilled Lizard - P6,500

Hatchling Snow Cornsnake - P4,000
Sub-adult Male Snow Cornsnake - P12,000 (will be on display at the store)
Hatchling Normal Cornsnake - P4,000
Hatchling Motley Cornsnake - P4,500
Hatchling Sunglow Cornsnake - P5,000

Boas and Pythons
08 Hatched Albino Ball Python - P36,000
08 Hatched Albino Red Tail Boa - P30,000
Sub-adult Normal Ball Python - P12,000 (male and females available)
Hatchling Nicaraguan Red Tail Boa - P5,000
Hatchling Kenyan Sand Boa - P4,000
Hatchling Black and White Sand Boa - P6,500

Leopard Geckos
Juvenile Super Hypo Tangerine - P4,000
Hatchling Snow Enigma - P10,000
Hatchling Tangerine Albino Enigma - P8,000
Hatchling Tangerine Enigma - P9,000

Female Tarantulas
Theraphosa Blondi - P9,000
Grammostola Concepcion 5inches - P3,000
Grammostola Rosea RCF 5inches - P2,000
Pteronichilus Murinus 5 inches - P2,500
Grammostola Pulchra 6 inches - P5,000

Brachypelma Emilia 2cm - P850
Brachypelma Smithi 2cm - P750
Brachypelma Ruhnaui 2cm - P1,200
Nhandu Coloratovillosus 2cm - P800
Grammostola Rosea 1.5cm - P300
Brachypelma Vagans 1.5cm - P600
Brachypelma Albopilosum 1.5cm - P400
Acanthoscurria Brockelhursti 2cm - P600
Chilobrachys Huahini 2cm - P300
Heterothele Villosella 1.5cm - P400
Thrigmopoeus Incia 2cm - P600
Aphonopelma Aberrans 2cm - P700
Grammostola Pulchra 3cm - P1200
Ceratogyrus Darlingi 3cm - P800
Aviculara Versicolor 3cm - P1,400
Poecilotheria Ornata 4cm - P1,200
Aviculara Purpurea 3cm - P1,400
Pteronichilus Murinus 3cm - P600

Feeder Animals
Rat Nestlings (Pinkie) - P20each
Rat Pups - P30each
Sub-adult Rats - P50each

8" x 8" x 12" Acrylic Top Terrarium (used) - P1,000

Visit us or send us a PM or email at for your orders. Please do not text your orders.

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